Do you need a car key replacement? United Locksmith is capable of replacing almost every type of car key. Our team of locksmiths provides mobile key-cutting services that can help you when you need them the most. We have all lost a key or locked ourselves out before. It happens to the best of us.

Our key-cutting service is designed to help you in those situations. If you lose your keys, break one, or simply want an extra copy, you can give United Locksmith a call. We can provide you with mobile key-cutting services at any time of the day or night. United Locksmith provides car key replacements for different keys, which we decided to list in detail below.

Traditional Keys

Traditional keys have no chip or electrical device in their design. They are simply a metal key like your house or apartment key. These keys are no longer made with new models because of the safety risk they pose. Traditional keys are only used for older vehicles and were faded out when transponder keys were introduced.

United Locksmith can perform a car key replacement for your traditional key, but it varies on the vehicle’s age. Give us a call to see if we can service your vehicle. We’ll ask about the make, model, and year. That will give us enough to provide you with a definitive answer.

Transponder Keys

As we mentioned, traditional keys were replaced by transponder keys in the ’90s and early 2000s. Traditional keys were susceptible to being stolen, so transponder keys were introduced to reduce the rate of auto theft. Although Ford was not the first company to create the transponder key, it did make it widely accessible to most drivers in the 90s. transponder car key replacement

Transponder keys have a chip in the head of the key. The chip sends a code to the vehicle’s receiver. Once the receiver matches the codes, it removes the lock on the ignition, and the key can turn the ignition. The key was effective in reducing car theft.

Remote-Head Keys

Another type of car key replacement we can perform is a remote-head key. Transponder keys are often paired with a fob, which has buttons for the door locks, trunk, and a panic button. The remote-head key combines the fob with the transponder key. The remote-head key has the same technology as the transponder key but has the buttons of the fob on the key. This eliminates the fob’s presence, so you can worry less about losing more than just one part of your car keys.

Switchblade Key

1990 saw the first switchblade key, which is another car key replacement we can perform. Switchblade keys are often thought to be a newer invention, but other vehicle manufacturers have recently copied them. The only difference these keys have is they are larger in size, and the key ejects from the fob like a switchblade. switchblade car key replacement

Finally, the smart key is the last type of car key replacement we can perform. Smart keys work in a similar way to transponder keys but offer more incredible features. Vehicles that use smart keys have antennas all over. These antennas’ job is to detect the smart key signal. Once detected, the key sends a signal to the vehicle.

Smart locks can hold information regarding seat preferences, mirror positions, and more. These locks unlock and lock the door, depending on the proximity of the vehicle. Additionally, the car does not need a traditional key. Instead, it detects the key inside of the cabin and allows the driver to press a button to start it.

Do You Need a Car Key Replacement?

Do you have any of these keys? Are you still not sure if your car key can be replaced by our team? Give us a call at (832) 529-1014. Let us ask a few simple questions, and we can provide you with an answer and an estimate. You can learn more about our car locksmith services on our service page.

Smart Key

Finally, the smart key is the last type of car key replacement we can perform. Smart keys work in a similar way to transponder keys but offer more incredible features. Vehicles that use smart keys have antennas all over. These antennas’ job is to detect the smart key signal. Once detected, the key sends a signal to the vehicle.

Smart locks can hold information regarding seat preferences, mirror positions, and more. These locks unlock and lock the door, depending on the proximity of the vehicle. Additionally, the car does not need a traditional key. Instead, it detects the key inside of the cabin and allows the driver to press a button to start it.

Do You Need a Car Key Replacement?

Do you have any of these keys? Are you still not sure if your car key can be replaced by our team? Give us a call at (832) 529-1014. Let us ask a few simple questions, and we can provide you with an answer and an estimate. You can learn more about our car locksmith services on our service page.