Summer Security Tips

Summer Security Tips

It’s that time of the year again when temperatures rise, people go on vacations, and the kids are out of school. Unfortunately, while summer heat is soaring, it’s not the only thing that is soaring. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, a report found that...
5 Types of Car Keys

5 Types of Car Keys

In the current year, we have hybrid cars, fully electric cars, sophisticated dash controls, advanced stereo systems, and virtual assistants. Today’s cars are smart, but in 1910, when the first car key was created, the engineers behind the first vehicles thought...
How to Maintain Door Locks

How to Maintain Door Locks

Your home is arguably your most important possession. It’s where you create memories with your loved ones, store your other prized belongings, and take shelter. That’s why it’s of the utmost importance you keep your home safe. One of the best things you can do to keep...
A Guide to Commercial Door Locks

A Guide to Commercial Door Locks

Your business is one of your greatest assets. Potentially, it’s also your only source of income, meaning your livelihood depends on it functioning smoothly. Considering how much you rely on your business to pay your bills, fuel your hobbies, and so forth, it’s...
What Burglars Look For When Targeting a Home

What Burglars Look For When Targeting a Home

In the United States, approximately three homes per minute get burglarized. Burglary is the act of entering a home without the permission of the homeowner with the intent to commit a crime. Many homeowners do not realize how often these crimes occur and how certain...